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WWE Live Event Results (8/2): Fresno, CA: Jericho vs Owens Steel Cage Match, Neville vs Dallas, Team

wwe live eventThanks to Chasea1 for sending in the following:

-10 Bell salute to piper

-Jericho and Owens do a promo then Jericho introduces the Bella twins for the match with Team Bad

-Bellas win over team bad via Nikki’s finisher

-Cesaro over king Barrett

-Rusev over R-truth with Lana getting some good pop and chants

-Prime Time Player over New Day. New Day got a lot of heat and into it with crowd

-Big show interrupts the MizTV segment and knocks him out with a KO punch

-Neville over Bo Dallas with the red arrow

-Main event is Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens in a steel cage match. Fight of night with some awesome chair moments from the men in the ring. Jericho hits the code breaker and wins and then goes off to a round of applause.
