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What A Body Language Expert Noticed At Maci, Taylor, And Ryan's Parents' Tense Teen Mom Reunion

It was really the men who were getting rather emotional throughout the interview. In fact, Jen Edwards and Maci Bookout McKinney both seemed to strive for peace with their words, but their body language shows that in some ways, they are "outsourcing" the anger they feel to their male partners. For example, Maci is speaking calmly, body language expert Lynne Franklin tells Nicki Swift, but her arms are crossed, indicating that she is "nervous and is trying to soothe herself." She also "gives an exaggerated smirk of disbelief" when Larry Edwards says that he has nothing else to say, sort of egging him on. 

Franklin tells Nicki Swift that Jen may be the ultimate peacemaker here, considering her words and body language suggest that she just wants her son Ryan to recover and to get more time with her grandson. Franklin says, "Her anxiety that this won't happen is expressed in two ways: one, in tears when she speaks of Bentley and her fear that visits will be curtailed; and two, trying to restrain Larry first with a calm but warning tone of voice and then by physically touching to hold him back."

Still, Maci does eventually just speak to Jen directly and shows empathy about supporting Ryan and keeping Bentley in their lives, Franklin says, noting that she was "genuine" in her body language. The men on the other hand? They came to fight.
