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Moose Is Nervous About Making Friends In A New Pro Wrestling Company

WWE has their eye on a lot of people in the pro wrestling world, and some of them haven’t had a chance to make their way to Vince McMahon’s company yet. Moose’s situation is very interesting, because WWE is reportedly interested in him, but his status isn’t 100% clear.

Amidst rumors of his potential free agency, a prominent wrestler who previously garnered interest from WWE has shared his thoughts on his future.

Moose, the former IMPACT World Champion, is said to be nearing the end of his contract with IMPACT, as reported by Fightful. Speculation has been rife about Moose’s next move, especially considering WWE’s previous interest in signing him before he re-signed with IMPACT in 2021. Should he officially part ways with IMPACT, it is widely believed that WWE would extend an offer to secure his services.

The Undisputed podcast recently had a chance to speak with Moose when he noted that his anxiety about starting over in a new promotion is on his mind when considering his future.

“That’s also my big scare with ever going to a new company, going somewhere and making new friends.”

“I’m really shy when it comes to getting to know people and being cool with people. I’ve always been shy, so every time it comes to leaving IMPACT, that’s always a big factor in my decision-making, if I go somewhere else…It’s definitely in my thought process.”

Moose has a ton of potential, and he is also loved in Impact Wrestling. They obviously don’t want to lose him, but that might not be up to the company at this point.

Only time will tell if Moose finds his way to WWE, AEW, or any other company. Odds are, he won’t have a ton of difficulty making new friends. He just needs to put himself out there a bit.

What’s your take on Moose’s future in pro wrestling? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
