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Who are Mary Kay Letourneaus children? The US Sun

POLICE launched an investigation when they arrested a sixth-grade teacher for her inappropriate relationship with one of her students.

Mary Kay Letourneau was 35 years old when she gave birth to her first child with 14-year-old Vili Fualaau.

Who are Mary Kay Letourneau's kids?

Mary Kay Letourneau had six children; four from her first marriage to Steve Letourneau and two from her second marriage to Vili Fualaau.

Mary Kay and Steve had two daughters named Claire and Jacqueline and two sons, Steven Jr. and Nicholas.

She and Vili had two daughters, Audrey and Georgia.

On July 6, 2020, 58-year-old Mary Kay lost her battle with colorectal cancer.

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On behalf of his siblings, Steve Jr. told KXAS-TV: "We are deeply saddened to share the very difficult news that our beloved Mary passed away peacefully on July 6, 2020, after a six-month battle since being diagnosed with stage IV, or metastatic, cancer.

"Mary fought tirelessly against this terrible disease.

"It is in that spirit that we ask for privacy and respect for our desire to focus on the road ahead for all of us who make up Mary's collective family.

"We ask that our boundaries and need for privacy be honored with continued kindness and understanding."

In January 2024, Mary Kay and Steve's youngest daughter Georgia welcomed her first child.

Regarding her pregnancy, Georgia told People: "I had an amazing mother to prepare me for these years to come.

"My mom...she was a very strict mother, but she also loved each and every one of her kids in their own way.

"So I feel like everything she’s taught us, just led to us being able to be amazing parents in the future.

"I think maybe at first it would be kind of shocking because I am her baby...

"...But after that, she’d be the most excited grandmother-to-be."

What happened between Letourneau and Vili Fualaau?

Fualaau was Letourneau's sixth-grade student at a school in Seattle, Washington.

He came from a broken home. His dad had been in jail for armed robbery and he wasn't close with his mom.

Fualaau first met his future wife when he was in her second-grade class in 1992.

Four years after they met, a sexual relationship arose.

It wasn't until the summer of 1996 when they enrolled in summer classes together and they went out to dinner.

In 2018, Fualaau recalled this was the night he asked to kiss Letourneau in her car and she allowed him to do so.

In the summer of 1996, they had sex for the first time when Letourneau's husband was away.

"The incident was a late night that it didn't stop with a kiss. And I thought that it would and it didn't," she said during an A&E television special of her relationship.

"I loved him very much, and I kind of thought, 'Why can't it ever just be a kiss?'"

During the special, Fualaau said he "wasn't thinking" when the two became intimate while he was still a child.

"The age difference, all of that stuff wasn't going through my mind.

"A lot of things that should have gone through my mind at the time, weren't going through my mind."

Police found them together in a minivan parked at the Des Moines Marina at about 1:20 am on June 19, 1996.
